My Dream House
I just love this little's on my way to school and every time I pass by it...I wish one day I'll own a house like it in Kuwait or maybe here...I'm not a big fan of big houses...I have always loved small houses with big back inshallah one day I will own a house that looks just like that or maybe even better ;)

Sarooooh 7abebty :***
welcome to my blog babe....I like yours even more...mine is just a bunch of nonsense really ;)
and about the house...lel asaf you don't find homey lookin houses like that in Kuwait...they like to build mansions...and the newer houses they even forget to have a nice garden...I could never live in a house that doesn't have a garden or a back yard.
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
5/18/2005 04:10:00 PM
very beautiful =)
I could live in a beach house :}
Posted by
Papillona ® |
5/19/2005 01:01:00 AM
Nice house, you could build a house of your dream if you don’t have relatives and in-laws getting in every little detail of your life. Like you I never liked the bulky houses that are made to impress others, I always wanted to have a home, not a house. When I built my house; I had to go through hell to keep the original design which was 100% mine, I even did the blue prints and the “as built drawings” using CADD, but the outcome shifted 50% of what I had originally designed. They would not leave me alone (sigh) and the engineer who did the official paperwork sold my design to others and soon I noticed identical copies of my house being built in the neighborhood. Hathi likwait 7abeebti.
Posted by
AyyA |
5/19/2005 01:21:00 AM
Make sure you have a room for me there.
Posted by
Purgatory |
5/20/2005 02:25:00 AM
I promise I will reply soon...I'm off to celebrate Suns win against Mavericks ;)
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
5/20/2005 09:38:00 PM
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