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Kittens for Sale

 Posted by Hello

I'm helping out a friend of mine...she wants to sell these 3 cute kittens (in Kuwait)...they are persian kittens born on April 1st and they'll be ready for their new home on June 1st...they are all females...

1- the orange cat (Caramella) is the most active, playfull and demands a lot of attention.
2- the grey kitten in the middle is (Lilly) she enjoys sitting on your lap (daloo3a)
3- the grey kitten with some orange spots is (Dolly) the first born of the whole bunch and very playfull.

so if anyone is interested please let me know :)


I love little Lily!IWhat a wonderful cat name.Nothing in the world cuddles like a kitten!Sorry though can't help you.:(

Aaawwww. Lily reminds me of my Einstein, given that name coz of her full head of grey hair. Had to give her up when I came here :(

:) I like, me want

i would buy lilly if i dont have ziggy and if omy dont kick me out of the house :)

my loss :(

Goldeneyah: ooh too bad..your family sounds like mine...I have to work on them harder to take my baby (cat) back home with me once I graduate inshallah.
give them a sad puppy face and maybe taksereen kha6erhom ;)

Christina: I know when I saw the pictures I wished if I can adopt another kitten from the animal shelter but I know my baby (cat) can't deal well with other cats around.

noony: Einstein? LOL what a cute name...it must have been hard for you to give him up...I swear I think about my cat all the time since my mom wants me to give him away when I get back home but I know I won't have the hearts to do it :(

Purgy: will talk numbers/price by email or msn :)

nooni: yeah I don't think it's a good idea to have a bird and a cat in the same house! LOL
my cat always brings me a litte gift when I let him out and guess what the gift is? a bird...he loves catching birds...and the poor bird is barely alive...gemet ma akhaleeh yeheet bara....weldee mojerem LOL

so far it seems almost everyone liked
Lilly but my personal favorite is Caramella...

and only Purgy seemed interested in actually buying.

People if you know any interested buyers let me know...we wanna find those little kittens a home :)

I want lily too! I love how she is.. and Grey is my favorite color on kittens.. Too bad I have intolerable parents :/ I've been wanting a cat ever since like forever :/

Jackie work your magic...enough gadgets and it's time for you to get a kitten...ha how about it? ;)

sooo cute! any chance of them coming to saudi?

Starlit_Saudi: welcome to my blog dear and I'm sorry to say one of her conditions that she wants the kittens to be picked up in person...so how about you make a trip to Kuwait? ;)

JB my dear I'm hooked on Dolly, I'm already looking for a female to raise and make Nubie's wife. So tell me how much? what number? & where do I go? ;)

i'd like to buy one of them, bas eshlooun?

I might grab one up...the only problem is my cat is a fucking asshole. he might try and eat the kitten....do you have any males?
puppies for sale

The mutilation and slaughter of 19 cats in the Southeast Miami-Dade area of Florida has prefab individual intelligence recently. Now that 18-year-old President Weinman has been inactive and emotional in remembering with the killings, an article publicized today points out that the accused cat orca participated in classroom dissections high gathering.Cat Bath
Persian Cats

Please goleelii how much oo the place please please abiihoom riday 3alaaay gooleelii ok thanks

please 3a6eenii like tell me how much wallah anaa 7adii mishtahyaa ka6waa sarlee 3 days anaa ga3daa adawir ki6awaa ib kuwait chithee plz reply thanks Haya ;P

oh my god! that picture is so old Badooraa! please remove it :P those kittens are grand ma's now LOL anybody interested in kittens please visit

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