Thursday, April 02, 2009

Guess Who's Back Again ;)

Sorry I didn't feel like blogging for a while! But I'm back in the home-land (sort of)
since I'm back my time has been divided between Kuwait and UAE (my parents are in UAE)
So yeah.. life is not bad... since I've been back things have been pretty interesting! Kuwait has changed a lot in the 5 years I have been away... the sad thing is to the worse... I know many of you have warned me but yeah to see it and experience it yourself it's something else!!
I have a serious case of road rage in Kuwait... people just don't have patience anymore and I refuse to bend the rules so the asshole behind me can make a one lane a two lane street!!!

What else.. oh yeah I fell and fractured my ankle since I got back... I was on a wheel chair for almost a month... I'm recovering from that with physiotherapy and the good stuff... (6ba3n dont get me started with the hospitals in Kuwait that's a whole post by itself) but yeah I'm doing better now.

I'm staying in UAE now... enjoying my stay with my parents... I made some friends here non of them are locals... I met Bahrainis, Omanis and Lebanese who grew up in Emirates... they are very friendly and they try their best to show me the best of Emirates... 
I'm also so glad to have a friend who works here that I like to bother and do things with whenever I'm bored here! LOL

Still jobless... got 2 job offers but not in Kuwait... I don't know if I wanna work in Emirates but yeah still looking for the right job at the right place.

anyways I felt like updating the people who care and actually read my blog... I have to say one of the reasons I have been so lazy coz a lot of my old blogger friends found me on facebook (7adi fethee7a coz almost everyone knew I was jelly belly) hey no shame in that.. coz if it wasn't for my blog I wouldn't had the chance to meet so many wonderful people... love you guys... and till the next update which I think it might be soon... take care.


Jelly Belly :*