I'm Jealous :P
Lately everyone has a cool template in their blog and I'm just jealous...I want to have something cool too but the thing is I'm completely clueless on how or where to start...any suggestions?
Please keep in mind I'm technologically challenged.
Please keep in mind I'm technologically challenged.
heeey therre....well i got my template from http://www.blogskins.com/
check it out they tell you what to do exactly too :)..good luck hunting :)
Posted by
SpiKeY |
12/13/2005 09:49:00 PM
just give me ur blog user name & password and let the rest for me... don't worry.. I will give it back to you :D
*secretly laughing* mwaahaaaahaa.. mwaahaahaa MWAAAAAHHAAAAAHAAA
Posted by
bo_ghazi |
12/13/2005 10:03:00 PM
Well, I can point you to some sites if you'd like, or you can just simply tell me what you have got in mind and find something and fix it up for you, I also have a sister who does great graphics (i.e. the graphic on Ayya's Blog, the header) well that's her work sort of.
You'd like something drop me an email, I think it's still in my profile, or just drop a comment on my blog and I'll email you back :D
Posted by
Jacqui |
12/13/2005 10:05:00 PM
take the HTML code of your blog o paste in FRONTPAGE o try with it
Posted by
بومريوم |
12/13/2005 10:45:00 PM
afa 3alaich!!! cham jelly belly 3endi??? :*
add me to your msn ow ana (athab6ich) LOL
jeez! I sound like a boy!
Posted by
Papillona ® |
12/13/2005 11:52:00 PM
Spikey: welcome to my blog and thanks for the tips dear :)
Bo_Ghazi: LOL, it9adeg I would have given it to you...tara 7adee 3ala neyatee :P
Jackie: awal shay 7abebety Happy Belated Birthday...and thank you sooo much for your offer, I will email you soon inshallah...thanks babe :*
Bo-Maryoum: ya e3yooni walla ma fahamat shino ehowa al Frontpage...ya lait lo itwathe7 :)
Tequila: I'm glad I'm not alone! LOL and it's great to see you around babe :)
Papillona: Walla 7abebety I would love to add you to my msn to get to know you better :)))))
o heyaaaaaaaa bet'thab6eenee....wain bendayet? (I sound like a geezee) LOL
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
12/14/2005 12:42:00 AM
Dear Jelly Belly,
I am planning to start a series of posts on how to customize your template starting next week.
So.. do come by... meanwhile I think I posted a couple of things in the past under the category "Blog" in my site if you are interested.
P.S. You have been added to the links page... :)
Posted by
Misguided |
12/14/2005 01:29:00 AM
Since you have Jackos comment on this post I know that you are in safe hands, go for it and let’s see the new you :*
Posted by
AyyA |
12/14/2005 01:29:00 AM
I'm glad to see you around more now Jelly tara we missed you.
I'm sure you will be in good hands with Jackie and I am looking forward to seeing your new outfit ;)
Posted by
Jewaira |
12/14/2005 07:40:00 AM
I'm with Jewaira, Jelly tara we miss you :)
Good luck on the template.
Posted by
Shurouq |
12/14/2005 08:49:00 AM
JB for the technically challenged, just switch templates from what is actually offered by blogspot every now and then so you do not get bored.
or...you can go for jacies offer..
did you pass your exams?
Posted by
Babbler |
12/14/2005 01:16:00 PM
Jella Bella,
I luv you ;*
and I miss you..
Posted by
Nunu-San |
12/14/2005 02:11:00 PM
contact aman .
e-mail me for details he can do what ever you wish .
Posted by
Nooni |
12/14/2005 03:39:00 PM
Misguided: lessons much needed, I will come by fore sure.
Thanks dear :D
Ayya: Thanks 7abebety, your new template was one of the templates that I got jealous from ;)
I will defiantly email her :)
Jewaira: I missed you too, I was just busy with a lot of work and that's what kept me from blogging more often but now I'm done with my finals I'll be around more often :D
Shurouq: Ain't no sunshine when she's gone...it's not warm when she's away...ain't no sunshine when she's gone and she's always gone too long anytime she goes away.
don't ask me why but whenever I read your nick sunshine I rememeber the song and I start singing...LOL
so sunshine you better not go away again! and I promise I'll do the same ;)
Babbler: Thank god I'm done with my finals and this semester is over...so yes I passed...thanks 7abebety :*
NuNu: I luv n miss you too...yalla start posting again :*
Judy: who are you talking about? some mystery guy? hmmm sounds interesting! hahahahaha I will email you soon :)
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
12/14/2005 05:27:00 PM
awwww if u need any help I'll easily help you :D
Posted by
ananyah |
12/15/2005 12:33:00 PM
Ananyah: Thank you so much sweetie for your offer, I'll email you if I need anythings...thanks babe :*
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
12/15/2005 08:45:00 PM
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