Embarak 3alikom AlShahar :)
It's that time of the year when I feel home sick the most! One of the new kids here was complaining how hard it is for him to spend Ramadan away from his family...I had a flash back of my first Ramadan here in the States...I can't believe it has been 8 years since the last time I spent Ramadan with my family...but the memory is still fresh in my mind...the family gatherings in our house and the kids running around...how my mom would always be the last to break her fast...I also miss Ramadan in Bahrain...my grandmother rest her soul used to cook (Harees) and me and my brothers would be waiting for the Harees soup.
Another year away from home...I know my mom will be calling me right after she breaks her fast like every year...crying and asking me what will I be eating for fo6oor....love you mama :*
Although our Mosque said Ramadan is on Wednesday, every where else announced its on Tuesday...I don't know why they do this every year! Khalef to3raf!
I called some friends in Cali and Florida and they both told me Ramadan is on Tuesday...I also checked on Islamic Finder webpage just to double check and it said Tuesday is the first day...so I guess I'll be fasting in a couple of hours inshallah!
Allah ye3aina 3ala al 7ar...it's still warm in here bas allah yekon bel 3oon...
anyways...Emabarak 3aleekom alshahar again...o tagabal 6a3tkom inshallah....Happy Ramadan Everyone :D
Another year away from home...I know my mom will be calling me right after she breaks her fast like every year...crying and asking me what will I be eating for fo6oor....love you mama :*
Although our Mosque said Ramadan is on Wednesday, every where else announced its on Tuesday...I don't know why they do this every year! Khalef to3raf!
I called some friends in Cali and Florida and they both told me Ramadan is on Tuesday...I also checked on Islamic Finder webpage just to double check and it said Tuesday is the first day...so I guess I'll be fasting in a couple of hours inshallah!
Allah ye3aina 3ala al 7ar...it's still warm in here bas allah yekon bel 3oon...
anyways...Emabarak 3aleekom alshahar again...o tagabal 6a3tkom inshallah....Happy Ramadan Everyone :D
Happy ramadan to you :)
Posted by
True Faith |
10/04/2005 03:14:00 AM
TF: Thanks 7abebety...tagabal allah 6a3tich inshallah :*
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
10/04/2005 03:31:00 AM
Technically, Ramadan starts in a region the day after an official in that region sees the hilal. The hilal was visible in the Middle East last night, so Ramadan 1 is today. But it wasn't visible in North America last night, so Ramadan 1 is tomorrow in N. America. Well, some people still prefer to follow the Middle East. I've always done what my local masjid says to do. I think as long as your niyya is good, it doesn't really matter which one you follow. Also, if your friends and family are fasting today, then you'd better fast or else they will give you dirty looks :)
I hope you have a fantastic Ramadan!
Posted by
Shemsi |
10/04/2005 03:54:00 AM
3alainah ow 3alaich. Yalla hurry up and finish so next year inshallah you can be here to hear midfa3 el if6taar.
{Hugs} :)
Posted by
Jewaira |
10/04/2005 04:11:00 AM
3alaina ow 3alaich
Posted by
Papillona ® |
10/04/2005 09:27:00 AM
3alaina o 3alaich :)
/me sends you harees o yireesh o tashreeba
Posted by
Flamingoliya |
10/04/2005 10:42:00 AM
3alaina o 3alaich. hopefully you'll be spending ramadan with your family and loved ones soon :)
Posted by
Hanan |
10/04/2005 12:50:00 PM
3alaina o 3alaich Jella Bella ;*
Posted by
Nunu-San |
10/04/2005 03:22:00 PM
Happy Ramadan to you too, Jelly :*
Posted by
Shurouq |
10/04/2005 04:08:00 PM
Sarah: Hey sweetie, it has been a while! I hope everything is going well?
I understand babe about the hilal sighting but the thing is every year they'll be a confusion with our mosque and other mosques in the states! I don't know but since I checked on Islamicfinder.com and it said Tuesday was the first day of Ramadan in the states I guess I just went along with them....any how as you said it all goes back to al neya :)
I hope you'll have a great Ramdan as well babe :*
Jewaira: Thanks babe for the hugs :))))))
it9adegeen I really do miss hearing medfa3 al ef6ar...it reminds me of my chilhood :)
Redenclave: yalla I guess I started a day early ;)
Sarah: Happy Ramadan to you babe :*
Flam: abee harees more than anything...lel7ain ma theba6ta bel 6obakh :)
Hanan: Ameen allah yesma3 minich babe :)
NuNu: :*
Shurouq: :*
Tequila: thanks babe :*
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
10/05/2005 04:40:00 AM
same to you babe =}
Posted by
Spontaneousnessity |
10/07/2005 06:27:00 AM
hi there :}
embark 3laich el shahar o 3sach mn 3owada kel sena o kel 3am yaa rb :>
Posted by
Q80-ChillGirl |
10/14/2005 08:49:00 AM
3aleena w 3aleekom:)
W ya rab yekoon 3aleeke shahar 5eer w 3ala al jamee3 :D
Posted by
Rimyoleta |
10/18/2005 01:15:00 PM
Spon: thanks hon :*
JS: Sarona 7abebty I'm sorry about not showing up but I had mid-terms and it was so crazy bas I keep hearing of your brother coming for a visit I wonder if you can make it with him!
Q80CG: 7abebety it has been a while since I saw you! 3aleena o 3aleech 7abebty :*
Q8Jandark: welome to my blog first of all...and yes my nick name could make you hungry when fasting ;)
GL: oh I'm a chocoholic, I will check the website and your blog now :D
Rimyoleta: welcome to my blog awalan o allahoma ameen inshallah :)
Q8BL: LOL, ana al monkey ya monkey? :P
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
10/23/2005 10:07:00 PM
Yeah i know how it feels, i used to live in rakunda, but i went to live to sildenafil because i had to study my career, and 10 years later i went back home and that was... indescribable feeling.
Thanks for sharing.
Posted by
Anonymous |
12/02/2010 06:25:00 AM
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