Spring break is over and it was a blast, I honestly had different plans for my spring break...I was supposed to go to Florida but I tell you people I'm jinxed when it comes to that state, every year I plan to go and something comes up! So I did the usual trip to Vegas and LA....on the way to Vegas something very unbelievable happened..IT SNOWED!!! ok people you gotta picture this...the temperature during the summer usually reaches 114 F and to see it snow was just unbelievable!
I did a lot of driving around and my baby (my car) finally broke down on me in LA so I had to drive my friends car which let's just say it's a very interesting car to drive around LA with...LOL....my friends works for a plastic surgeon (his uncle) and he has an extra car with ads all over it (you'll see what I mean in the pictures) the weather in LA was good then bad and then good again...the group was fun but as usual there must be drama or no trip will be complete...LOL
driving back from LA was fun, I had 4 people in the car other than me and they come from all different places (Kuwait, Yemen, American/French and a Lebanese) so can you imagine the music that was played?
but at the end my music dominated coz I'm driving and I had to listen to what I wanna listen to...besides it was late at night and there is nothing better than Om-Kalthoum...the funny part was when one of the girls attempted to translate one of the songs to our American friend LOL
ok enough said and let me leave you with some pictures.

the snow in our way to Vegas
Me and the boys at Caesars Palace.

Every time I go to Vegas I wanna see the Show "O" at Bellagio but I never get the chance :(
Girls could never pack less!
On our way to LA you always pass those weird windmills by Palm Springs...whenever I pass them I feel like I'm in some sort of Alien movie!

Some Pictures I took at Laguna Beach
Ok that's me in the boobs car...LOL...imagine people all weekend I've been driving in this car
hmmm what else do you need...a tummy tuck maybe? ;P
I got to eat my favorite tuna tartar in Le Petit Four at Sunset....yummyyyyyy

after hours we ended up at Habibi Cafe for sheesha....times have changed that place is not the same anymore!