Recently I found two of my old high school friends on facebook and I was really happy to find them because I think the last time I saw them was 9 years ago!
so we were catching up on the old days and asking about the girls... mashallah most of them are married with kids.... and then they were telling me that one of our friends wrote mosalsalain this Ramadan... I was like wait Heba!
mashallah 3aleeha Heba 6ool 3omerha insameeha sha3erat al group... kanat ash6ar wa7da feena bel 3arabi wel al she3er... alromancya ilee feena... o thekrayatha wayed 7elwa... I wanted to watch almosalsalat ilee she wrote and I did one of them is Futha galbha abyath o althani Abla Noura...
o kho9o9an Abla Noura it really reminded me of our high school days... kil bint min hal banat kanat mawjooda eb thanweyatana... bint alfarasha... the rich girl... al9abyak...
khalani at-thakar thanwetee... Thanweyat Bayan... 9ij wayed nass galaw 3an al madresa itfashel o feeha balawee... bas ana thekrayatee feeha 7elwa... o ilee 7ababeni feeha akthar inna kil al6abagat kanat mawjooda feeha... alfageer wel alghani... alseni wel shee3i... albedoweya o al7ethrya...
al7emdallah kena kilana en3aref ba3th kina 3ala galb wa7ed shela wa7da.. wala a7la ayam dof3at 92 ;)
fa back to Heba 7amada... I was looking for stuff she wrote on our graduation day... ektebat khawa6er lakan lel asaf alkalam bel werga enma7a o 9ar 9a3eb yengara bas alkalam mazal mawjood eb thakerti... ektebat 3an alkarasi alfathya ba3d takhrojna min althanaweya... o wa9fat kersi kersi 3an kil bint feena ana kint al kersi al tase3 bas al kalam mo wathe7 o emma7a bas min al kalam ilee galeta....
الكرسي التاسع.... الإطار المفرقع.... السياره الواقفه... الظهر اللا مكسور... النكت اللاذعه... أحلام بلاد العم سام
walla thekrayat ma tetnesi... o ba3dain 6ab3an methel ma kanat 3indena sha3erat al ma6ar Heba 7amada kan 3indena sha3ertain min noo3 thani as you can read for your self...
nunu o beeka! LOL
I miss those days and I miss you girls ;)
ثانوية بيان مقررات... دفعة92
***ga9eedat nunu o beeka:
*** 3athoorya: albint almet7ajaba ilee e6ale3 geth-latha
****yamshi mashyat al hemanaat: ya3eni the guys ile kanaw 7esbalhum inhum cool (hey man) LOL
Reading the arabish post made me go bananas ;p
Last time you saw me I was a toddler and now I am older than you (used power pills)
Posted by
Purgatory |
9/05/2008 02:45:00 AM
Oh my GAWD!
tara high school year's is "THE SHIT"
on another note, Im watching abla noura now :p
Posted by
Oranjina fadidra |
9/05/2008 05:36:00 AM
oh wow mashalah 3alaiha
im watching abla noura now
so far its ok :)
Posted by
eshda3wa |
9/05/2008 06:53:00 AM
Purgy: hahahaha I know I wanted to write the whole post in Arabic bas I don't have an arabic Keyboard and I know it will take me all day to type it :PPPP
o 9a7 nesait you were still a baby when I saw you last... aghooooooooo :P
Oranjina: I know... everything was so simple and innocent (3ala ayami) mo al7een LOL
eshdawa: yeah mashallah 3aleeha... o 3ala abla Noura yeah I agree with you so far so good... the only thing I wish they did is have it done in Kuwait... I mean its kinda of confusing with the switching back and forth between the Kuwaiti and Emarati accent! LOL
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
9/05/2008 12:01:00 PM
Hey !!! Thats so cool!!
Actually im watching both and i even wrote about them on my blog....7ata ga3da agol mashAllah her stories are nice and REAL....!!
3ad her name sounds so familiar...i dont know why.
Posted by
Delicately Realistic |
9/05/2008 04:42:00 PM
DR: No way! yeah so far khosh mosalsaleen,,,, I like the story line but Abla Noura it kind of reminds me of thameer abala 7ekmat.. mosalsal ma9eri mathalat feeh Fatin 7amama.. bas with a khaleeji twist hehehe...
o Haboon is an old high school friend.. I kind of lost in touch with bas inshallah planning to make a mini high school reunion when I get back inshallah :)
Posted by
Jelly Belly |
9/05/2008 06:52:00 PM
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