I got a book recently from a friend of mine called Fat Chicks Rule! How to survive in a Thin-Centric World by Lara Frater.
At the beginning I didn't know if I should be insulted or not because this friend is skinny, but I decided to not take it too personal...So as soon as I went home I started reading the book and I couldn't stop laughing...the book talks about what most overweight women go through in every aspect in their lives from shopping to dating to the right positions for sex LOL
one of my favorite parts in the book is the section where it talks about the witty comeback against "Fat-Phobic"
here are some of the comments:
"Fat Bitch"
-"Why thank you!" with a big smile
-"God loves you, too."
-Demand a big hug for their kind words.
"You have such a pretty face - If only you'd lose weight." (ekh I hate this comment, I get it all the time)
-"It's a shame you have such and ugly face, and you know, I don't think plastic surgery will help. Hope I didn't hurt your feelings." (LOOOOOOL I love this comeback and I think I might actually use it if I heard this stupid comment again!)
-"Then I won't have such a pretty face anymore." (I actually used that line before..LOL)
-"You have such an ugly soul, I don't think any amount of weight loss is going to help." (too harsh, I don't think I would say such a thing!)
"You're Fat!"
-Touch your body and scream, OH MY GOD! (LOL I'm gonna use that comeback)
-"Really? I never noticed."
-"You're not! What are you waiting for?"
"You don't need that cookie"
-"Damn right I do"
-"You're right, I don't need it - I want it."
"You've put on some weight."
-"Thank you."
-"Must be all the great sex." (LOOL I'm sooooooooo gonna use that line just to get that shocked look on people faces)
I'd like to thank my friend for giving me the book...I really enjoyed it and I wanna tell all the Chubby girls out there that we are beautiful and sexy ;)
oh one more thing, this post is dedicated to Chubby Femme 7abebty al emtan yemkin engarthaw bel Al Kuwait bas the few of us who are left are damn gorgeous...Chubby Girls Rule :*